Experiences and reviews from users of our products
Personal experiences from people who are facing daily challenges. How they overcome them, and how Vitility made their life easier.

Awarded the Red Dot Design Award
We are incredibly proud to share that our new grab rail under the VITILITY ID (Identity) label has won the prestigious RED DOT Design Award. This prize symbolizes much more than recognition; it is a confirmation of the passion and commitment of our entire team to radically change the world of daily living aids.
In a sector often more driven by necessity than desire, VITILITY ID has distinguished us as revolutionaries. We strongly believe that what is necessary can also be beautiful. Our mission is to push the boundaries of what is possible and transform daily living aids into symbols of style, functionality, and self-expression, all while maintaining the highest quality at attractive prices. Impossible, you might say?
With the introduction of VITILITY ID and our first product, the grab rail, we have proven that our ambition to create products that are both functional and attractive is achievable. This RED DOT Award is proof that we are on the right track.

Discover the power of independence and sharing knowledge.
Discover the power of independence and sharing knowledge.

Review: hand- and footcare
We are here to make life easy for our customers. Therefore, it is central to us that
Your experience is important to us and others!
It is essential to listen to our customers’ stories. So, for example, we ask ourselves questions such as: How do they experience a product? What do they think we could do better? But also, what is it like to undergo a physical challenge day in and day out?
As a company, we want to move forward and improve to provide our customers with better products and services. With this, we aim to make life easier for everyone.
It is nice to read about your extensive (test panel) experience and share it with others. By sharing real experiences, we create openness, with which together, we can make a positive difference within the ADL industry.
Do you want to test Vitility’s products and give us some creditable feedback? Then let’s get acquainted as the newest member of our test panel!
Receive a free sample, and in return, give us an interview with your experience. We will share your experience on this page to be viewed and read by others.
Become a test panel member and tell us and others how you experience our products, what’s good about them, and what improvements it needs to make them even better!