'name_en' => 'Signature', 'type' => 'signature', 'group' => 'fancy', 'addon' => 'wpforms-signatures', 'order' => '310', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-ellipsis-h', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Likert Scale', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'survey, rating scale', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'Likert Scale', 'type' => 'likert_scale', 'group' => 'fancy', 'addon' => 'wpforms-surveys-polls', 'order' => '400', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-tachometer', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Net Promoter Score', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'survey, nps', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'Net Promoter Score', 'type' => 'net_promoter_score', 'group' => 'fancy', 'addon' => 'wpforms-surveys-polls', 'order' => '410', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-credit-card', 'name' => esc_html__( 'PayPal Commerce', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'store, ecommerce, credit card, pay, payment, debit card', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'PayPal Commerce', 'type' => 'paypal-commerce', 'group' => 'payment', 'addon' => 'wpforms-paypal-commerce', 'order' => '89', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-credit-card', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Square', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'store, ecommerce, credit card, pay, payment, debit card', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'Square', 'type' => 'square', 'group' => 'payment', 'addon' => 'wpforms-square', 'order' => '92', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-credit-card', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Authorize.Net', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'store, ecommerce, credit card, pay, payment, debit card', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'Authorize.Net', 'type' => 'authorize_net', 'group' => 'payment', 'addon' => 'wpforms-authorize-net', 'order' => '95', ], [ 'icon' => 'fa-ticket', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Coupon', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'discount, sale', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'name_en' => 'Coupon', 'type' => 'payment-coupon', 'group' => 'payment', 'addon' => 'wpforms-coupons', 'order' => '100', ], ]; $captcha = $this->get_captcha(); if ( ! empty( $captcha ) ) { array_push( $this->fields, $captcha ); } return $this->fields; } /** * Get Captcha field data. * * @since 1.6.6 * * @return array Captcha field data. */ private function get_captcha() { $captcha_settings = wpforms_get_captcha_settings(); if ( empty( $captcha_settings['provider'] ) ) { return []; } $captcha = [ 'hcaptcha' => [ 'name' => 'hCaptcha', 'icon' => 'fa-question-circle-o', ], 'recaptcha' => [ 'name' => 'reCAPTCHA', 'icon' => 'fa-google', ], 'turnstile' => [ 'name' => 'Turnstile', 'icon' => 'fa-question-circle-o', ], ]; if ( ! empty( $captcha_settings['site_key'] ) || ! empty( $captcha_settings['secret_key'] ) ) { $captcha_name = $captcha[ $captcha_settings['provider'] ]['name']; $captcha_icon = $captcha[ $captcha_settings['provider'] ]['icon']; } else { $captcha_name = 'CAPTCHA'; $captcha_icon = 'fa-question-circle-o'; } return [ 'icon' => $captcha_icon, 'name' => $captcha_name, 'name_en' => $captcha_name, 'keywords' => esc_html__( 'captcha, spam, antispam', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'type' => 'captcha_' . $captcha_settings['provider'], 'group' => 'standard', 'order' => 180, 'class' => 'not-draggable', ]; } /** * Get filtered fields data. * * Usage: * get_filtered( [ 'group' => 'payment' ] ) - fields from the 'payment' group. * get_filtered( [ 'addon' => 'surveys-polls' ] ) - fields of the addon 'surveys-polls'. * get_filtered( [ 'type' => 'payment-total' ] ) - field 'payment-total'. * * @since 1.6.6 * * @param array $args Arguments array. * * @return array Fields data filtered according to given arguments. */ private function get_filtered( $args = [] ) { $default_args = [ 'group' => '', 'addon' => '', 'type' => '', ]; $args = array_filter( wp_parse_args( $args, $default_args ) ); $fields = $this->get_all(); $filtered_fields = []; foreach ( $args as $prop => $prop_val ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { if ( ! empty( $field[ $prop ] ) && $field[ $prop ] === $prop_val ) { array_push( $filtered_fields, $field ); } } } return $filtered_fields; } /** * Get fields by group. * * @since 1.6.6 * * @param string $group Fields group (standard, fancy or payment). * * @return array. */ public function get_by_group( $group ) { return $this->get_filtered( [ 'group' => $group ] ); } /** * Get fields by addon. * * @since 1.6.6 * * @param string $addon Addon slug. * * @return array. */ public function get_by_addon( $addon ) { return $this->get_filtered( [ 'addon' => $addon ] ); } /** * Get field by type. * * @since 1.6.6 * * @param string $type Field type. * * @return array Single field data. Empty array if field is not available. */ public function get_field( $type ) { $fields = $this->get_filtered( [ 'type' => $type ] ); return ! empty( $fields[0] ) ? $fields[0] : []; } /** * Set key value of each field (conditionally). * * @since 1.6.6 * * @param array $fields Fields data. * @param string $key Key. * @param string $value Value. * @param string $condition Condition. * * @return array Updated field data. */ public function set_values( $fields, $key, $value, $condition ) { if ( empty( $fields ) || empty( $key ) ) { return $fields; } foreach ( $fields as $f => $field ) { switch ( $condition ) { case 'empty': $fields[ $f ][ $key ] = empty( $field[ $key ] ) ? $value : $field[ $key ]; break; default: $fields[ $f ][ $key ] = $value; } } return $fields; } } {"id":69,"count":23,"description":"Mobility is an essential part of everyone\u2019s daily functioning. We link mobility and freedom closely to one another. Vitility has products that ensure you retain as much mobility as possible for as long as possible. Safety and quality are always our top priority.\r\n\r\nThese various products support walking, which include crutches, different kinds of walking canes, and rollators for inside or outside use. You could also think of \u2018Mobility\u2019 as moving freely, like being able to pick things up. With our diverse reachers, nothing is out of reach. We offer solutions in different sizes with multiple features. Do you sometim experience trouble getting up from a seat or out of your car? Vitility has different types of cushions.\r\n\r\nLet\u2019s move around freely!","link":"https:\/\/vitility.com\/product-category\/mobility-travel\/","name":"Mobility & Travel","slug":"mobility-travel","taxonomy":"product_cat","parent":0,"meta":[],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/vitility.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_cat\/69"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/vitility.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product_cat"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/vitility.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/taxonomies\/product_cat"}],"wp:post_type":[{"href":"https:\/\/vitility.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/product?product_cat=69"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}